Our Fabrics
Since we use only Pima cotton, which has much longer fibers than standard cotton, our fabrics are extremely soft and extremely strong. This means that it lasts longer and pills less. They are also preshrunk through a carefully controlled process in order to minimize shrinkage once you buy it. The fabric goes through a special machine to control twisting, resulting in a high-quality fabric with an even smoother and more luxurious feel.
I want you to know the specific name of the types of Pima fabric we use and the characteristics of each one, I feel this will help you understand the reasons of why we use some types of Pima fabric for Footies and others for dresses:
- Interlock Pima, Jersey Pima or Gamuza: it is the most popular fabric, it’s very soft and it’s a lightweight fabric.
- Special Knit Pima or Punto Ingles: it has a double face of cotton, it’s very soft to the touch and it’s a lightweight fabric.
- Velour Pima or Plush: it has a different double face of cotton and it’s smooth to the touch.
- Pop corn: it’s a fabric with texture and it’s a little thicker.
- Quilted Pima or Canasta: this fabric it’s very bright and soft creating a luxurious fabric. It’s also a fabric with texture and thicker.
The importance for me with this information is to help you to understand what is better for your little one and choose what do you need when you are going to buy from Fran+Livy.